"No person was ever honored for what he received.
Honor has been the reward for what he gave"
-Calvin Coolidge
You can change the future of America just by giving $1 today
It's true.
A simple $1 investment today can help put an end to a growing tragedy that has been affecting
us all for far too long...the Student Achievement Gap.
You may not be aware of this but right now - more than half of our country’s future workforce is completely disconnected from their education!
In fact, only 32% of students in the 11th grade are engaged in their studies! You know what that means right? ... 68% of the students have completely lost interest in their studies.
The chart below displays the results of a survey recently conducted using 900,000 students:
A quick glance will show just how much trouble we're in, but if you took the time to dig a little deeper you'd be horrified! Students who are disengaged...drop out.
We have over 3 MILLION students dropping out of high school every year...that's 8,300 every day!
Nearly half of the dropouts occur in the 9th grade...and a mere 15% of students that have to repeat the 9th grade never graduate.
High school dropouts are responsible for 75% of the crimes committed!
Worst of all...those who dropout won't qualify for 90% of jobs available today!
Do you see the reality of what we're facing? The gap is only getting bigger and pretending the problem doesn't exist won't close it.
The future doctors who will battle cancer, future company owners that will transform the economy along with their future employees are in jeopardy.
Wayne Winsley, founder of Brave Enough To Fail...who is also a middle school teacher, developed a program that's specifically designed to motivate and integrate students into the workforce.
The program provides a bridge to help students get over the gap...and with you as a partner we can continue to do it at no cost to already strained school budgets.
We've seen tremendous results! As a matter of fact...
95% of students that hear us speak at their school have committed to putting more effort into studies! We engage them in person!
We also give 5 scholarships to each school we speak at which means...your $1 investment will touch 5000 lives...what a worthy cause to have your name associated with!
Students also receive solid post program support to keep them on track. Mentoring, tutoring, and hands on experience!
Just how much can a message change a life?
Brave Enough To Fail was founded because of something that Wayne Winsley heard.
At age 14 Wayne was living in an orphanage in Cleveland Ohio, had failed eighth grade the previous year, and basically given up on school.
"I was a poor black kid who, the experts would say, had given up on my future and was too set in my ways to be motivated to change. I was destined for one of two places, behind bars or dead.
One day, a friend of mine’s dad was disappointed with his report card and began to lecture him. Without intending to, without even realizing that I was in the room, his dad said the words that changed my life forever.
“Always strive for excellence no matter what you do. Excellence will overcome, poverty, prejudice, and adversity every time. Just be excellent at whatever you choose to do.”
That simple message motivated me to make the choice that saved my life.
I chose to go back to school and do the absolute best I could. Because of that choice, I didn’t wind up behind bars or dead... Instead I went on to serve my country honorably in the United States Navy which honed my discipline, self-confidence, and work ethic.
The tools I gained gave me the courage to pursue my dream of being a standup comic which in turn led to a two decade career as a radio broadcaster. The communication skills I developed over that time prepared me to become what I am today, a teacher, and a multi award-winning motivational speaker.
I know first hand that even without intention, a word can change a child’s life.
That is why I’ve dedicated the rest of my life to delivering a message of inspiration and motivation to as many young people as possible through my organization."
The program has been so successful that word has spread across the nation! We don't want to lose any ground that has been gained and desperately need your support to keep it growing!
We have schools in over 20 states right now on a waiting list with others contacting us pleading for us to come. We need your help to reach them!
It is truly better to give than to receive and what we give...or don't give today, we will receive in the days to come...
So please, invest $1 now and we'll partner today for tomorrow's sake...it's an investment you won't regret!
Yes! I want to invest today and help change the future!
I understand my gift is tax deductible
Not only will your donation make a HUGE difference...You can also get involved in our Social Media Slam! Help us spread the word!
Just copy and paste this on your social media:
Hey, I saw this today and gave $1 - join me and help this cause...it's worthy!
Please ask your friends to tell their friends...the more we raise together the more schools we can help!
All Donations Are
Tax Deductible
While you're here you should shop in our store because every purchase you make will go towards scholarships AND it's tax deductible!