Module 3
What Comes Naturally To You?
Do you do it often?
Understand how to: Identify strengths, talents, and passions
Identify your passions
What Comes Naturally To You? Do you do it often?
One of the major keys to both success and happiness is playing to your strengths. Your greatest strengths are your natural talents and gifts. THE STUFF YOU WERE BORN WITH!
One of the other major keys to both success and happiness is following your passion. THE STUFF YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT!
Separately each of these keys can open huge doors of opportunity for you. But when used together, they deliver TOP LEVEL RESULTS!
For example: a person can be born with a beautiful singing voice. singing comes naturally to them. But by using that voice often and enhancing that voice with training, experience, and hard work, a beautiful voice becomes a magnificent voice.
Now add passion to the formula.
When that magnificent voice has a true passion for music, that is when the magic happens.
Passion is a difference-maker. A singer with a mediocre voice but a ton of passion can be very successful.
On the other side of the coin, a person born with a beautiful singing voice but who has no passion for singing but instead loves finance my end as a very successful banker who sings realy well in the shower or at parties.
Module 3 exercise:
On a separate sheet of paper, Identify some of your strengths, talents, and passions.
Then write down some possible career paths that might allow you to combine what you are really good at with what you really love doing.