Brave Enough To Fail
Person Of Courage Award
Presenting Sponsor
Two (2) premium in-person tables of ten (10) guests; VIP Experience access for ten (10) guests; Exclusive speaking opportunity during the event; Logo/Name recognition on all event digital and print promotions, BETFs web pages, and event signage, Full page program ad.
Your support provides BOSS Academy textbooks for 1,000 students with your full page logo/ad.
Boss Sponsor
One (1) premium in-person table for ten (10) guests; VIP Experience access for four (4) guests; Exclusive recognition from the stage during the event; Logo/Name recognition on all event digital and print promotions, BETFs web pages, and event signage; Half page program ad.
Your support provides a full digital BOSS Academy course for one school.
Inspiring Sponsor
One (1) premium in-person table for ten (10) guests; VIP Experience access for four (4) guests; Logo/Name recognition on all event digital and print promotions, BETF’s web pages, and event signage; Quarter page program ad.
Your support provides BOSS Academy textbooks for 500 students.
Change Making Sponsor
One (1) preferred in-person table for ten (10) guests; VIP Experience access for two (2) guests; Logo/Name recognition on all event digital and print promotions, BETF’s web pages, and event signage; Program mention.
Your support provides BOSS Academy workbooks for 300 students.
Table Sponsor
In-person table for ten (10) guests; Name recognition in the program book.
Your support provides BOSS Academy hoodies and backpacks for 30 students.
VIP Ticket
In-person premium seating for one (1) guest; Access to VIP Experience for one (1) guest.
Your support provides BOSS Academy hoodies for 15 students.
Supporter Ticket
In-person seating for one (1) individual.
Pay it Forward
Sponsor the in-person attendance of a local youth by purchasing a ticket on their behalf. We will identify youth through our community partners. 20 avail
Your support provides BOSS Academy course for one student.
Program Book Ads
Full Page $1,000
Half Page $500
Quarter Page $100
Listing on supporting donor page: any amount
Please submit Ad size and artwork to Wayne@BraveEnoughToFail by February 10th 2023
This event is our signature fundraiser to help support and sustain the growth of
Brave Enough To Fail
Brave Enough To Fail is a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit charity. All donations are 100 percent tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules.