Fairfield County Community Foundation has awarded Brave Enough To Fail, a grant of $15,000 to expand it’s BOSS Academy Program into the Bridgeport, Norwalk, and Stamford areas.
BOSS Academy is a 12 session course that equips middle and high school students with the tools and resources to dream Big, get Out of their comfort zone, Strategize for success, and Stick to their goals.
Wayne Winsley, founder and CEO of Brave Enough To Fail said,
“Too often we stories of empty promises and broken commitments. So it’s vital to point those organizations and people of true integrity. Fairfield County’s Community Foundation is an organization committed to creating a positive impact, staffed by individuals of integrity. They said that if we put in the work and showed positive results, then they would support us. And that is exactly what happened. We are so grateful for this generous support.”
The BOSS Academy course can be provided as an in-school elective, after school, or summer program.
To learn more visit www.BraveEnoughToFail.org