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This Teacher is Doing 10K Pushups in 60 Days to Motivate Students

Updated: Sep 30

Teacher does 10K pushups Brave Enough To Fail

Local teacher and nonprofit director Wayne Winsley is putting his body on the line to inspire our youth!

He is doing 10,000 pushups in 60 Days to raise $10,000 for Brave Enough to Fail student motivational programs and scholarships at High Schools.

The mission is to help students succeed by inspiring courage and providing resources.

This past school your the program reached over 2,000 students and awarded Eight scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000 in value to colleges and trade schools.

The program is expanding to reach even more students in its mission to cultivate a new generation of Leaders, Creators, and Achievers. 

Response from both educators and students has been rave reviews. 

“Brave Enough To Fail is an excellent motivational tool to help students believe in themselves and to set and achieve high personal goals.”

  – FosterCrawford, former Assistant Superintendent of schools Waterbury and Stamford Connecticut

“This presentation made me think of what I’m doing differently, in a good way. I now know how to strive to be the best person I am able to be. I really enjoyed your presentation today, good job!”         

Nathan, Bartlett High School

The pushups are videotaped and uploaded to the Brave Enough To Fail YouTube and Facebook pages along with the name of the sponsoring person or company.

To get involved and sponsor some pushups to inspire students Click the Link Here

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